What is the school policy on vaccinations?
Children will not be enrolled unless an immunization record is presented and immunizations are up-to-date. ** If your child is unimmunized due to medical reasons, please notify us.
Will my child be assessed before enrollment? Is enrollment based on an entrance assessment?
No, your child will not be assessed for enrollment? Our school does not believe in testing the young child. We feel it is too stressful and developmentally inappropriate.
Does your school have uniforms?
No, our students do not wear uniforms. We have a school t-shirt the families need to purchase for their child. The t-shirt is worn on field trips.
What is school protocol when an accident happens?
If the accident is a minor injury (scrape on the knee, arm, etc.), the injured area will be cleaned with soap and water and covered with bandage. If the injury is a bruise, an ice pack will be applied. An accident report will be written and a copy will be placed in the child’s cubby. A head injury is reported to office/director as soon as it occurred. A call will be placed to the child’s parent to inform them of the injury and a decision will be made as to whether or not the child will be sent home or stay at school.
Our program is licensed by the California Department of Social Services, which visits and regulates our program to ensure safety and quality of care.
State licensed: CCLD #410509589
Age of students
Toddler: 2-3 Year-Old
Pre-Schooler: 3-4 Year-Old
Pre-K: 4-5 Year-Old
Transitional Kindergarten: 5-6 Year-Old
What is the teacher/adult to children ratio?
Our school has 9 classes with class sizes 16 children. The ratio in the 2 years old class is 3 adults (teacher or assisting staff) to 16 children. The ratio in the 3-5 years old classes is about 1:8.
Drop off / pick up time
Children can be dropped off anytime between 7:30 - 9:00am. We expect children to arrive school by 9:00am. The best time to pick up a child attending school full day is between 4:15 to 5:30pm, and no later than 6:00pm. Late fee is charged at $1.00 for every minute late after 6:00pm. A child attending school half day needs to be picked up no latter than 12:45pm.
Illness Policy
Health regulations require parents to notify the preschool immediately of any contagious or serious illness in the family. Likewise, if your child has been exposed to any communicable disease at school, we will notify you. For the health and well-being of all, we ask that you keep your child home if he/she is ill or running a temperature. If a child is ill upon arrival at the preschool, the staff reserves the right to refuse the child’s admission into the program for that day. Following Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations, a child may only return to school when he/she has fully recovered from the fever for 48 hours without the aid of medication. With the stomach flu or other gastrointestinal infections, it is 48 hours after the child is symptom free (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). Absence in excess of three days will require a physician’s written clearance. Any unanticipated lengthy absence due to illness must be discussed with the school. If a child becomes sick while in attendance, the parent(s) will be notified and required to make arrangements for the child to be taken home within 1.5 hours of the notification. Beyond 1.5 hours, the preschool Director has the authority to send the child to the hospital for care.
What is your policy on allergies?
Action plans are needed for all children with food or environmental allergies, asthma, or medical conditions that require our attention. Please make sure your child’s allergies or medical conditions are noted on his/her emergency form, parent health history form and the physician’s report. Aside from these forms, we also require a written action plan should something happen while your child is in our care.
The action plans of children with allergies or medical conditions will be reviewed with the teachers and posted in the classrooms with our school-wide allergy list. The plans will also be posted in the main office. Medication will be kept in child’s classroom in the medication box located in the top cabinet above sink. Please make sure medications are sealed in a clear zip lock bag marked with the child’s first and last name and date of birth. Any medical apparatus to be used must be labeled with your child’s first and last name.
In addition to the parent written allergy/medical action plan you may also need to sign the following required form(s) from Child Care Licensing:
· Nebulizer care consent/verification form (LIC 9166)
· Parent consent for administration of medication (LIC 9221)
COVID Policy
We will continue to ask families to notify us of positive cases so we can keep track. We will continue to send exposure notices to families.
We will no longer require testing for children/staff who were exposed to COVID but have no symptoms. We will continue to require testing for children who show symptoms. When sending the test result to BW, please write your child’s name and the test date on the test before uploading it. ​​​
A child who tests positive for COVID will need to stay home until he/she tests negative and is well to actively participate in school activities. This is a safety precaution because the child cannot keep the mask on.
How is tuition paid?
Yearly tuition is divided into 12 monthly payments. Tuition is due by the 5th of each month and can be paid via bank payment or in person with check or cash.
Does your school offer any financial aid?
Financial aid is currently unavailable at our school.
Air Quality and Outdoor Play
We follow the www.AirNow.gov guidelines when deciding whether children need to stay indoors:
Check air quality from www.AirNow.gov
If air quality is red (dangerous), we will stay indoors and not go out for outdoor play. We will also close all windows.
If air quality is orange (unhealthy for sensitive individuals), we will cut our outdoor play time to half the duration.
If air quality is moderate (yellow) and good (green), then follow our regular outdoor play schedule.